Jiang Baoquan: Taking on the Mission to Overcome “Bottleneck” Critical Core Technologies, Striving to Play a Role in Domestic Replacement with Spark Machine Tools

2022-08-25 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Official Account of CMTBA

During his inspection tour in Wuhan, Hubei province on June 28th, President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, stressed that self-reliance in science and technology is the foundation of national prosperity and the key to national security. Xi, while visiting Wuhan HGLaser Engineering Co Ltd., underlined the importance to fully and faithfully apply the new development philosophy, further implement the innovation-driven development strategy, and keep the lifeblood of science and technology in our own hands. China must make greater progress in self-reliance in science and technology, work to make China’s development more independent, autonomous, and secure, and nurture more new technologies and industries, so that we can open up new fields and new tracks for economic development and cultivate new strengths to give us an edge in international competition.

Since 2013, Xi has visited machine tool enterprises several times for inspections and research, consistently emphasizing the importance of independent innovation and technological self-reliance. This highlights the high level of attention given to this issue and underscores the urgency of breaking through the “bottleneck” in core technologies in key fields.

Xi’s entrustment not only spurs the industry but also points the way for machine tool enterprises to accelerate technological innovation and achieve independent control over core technologies. To deeply implement the spirit of Xi’s important speeches, the China Machine Tool & Tool Builders’ Association has organized some industry enterprises to relate to their actual work and express opinions on focusing on technological self-reliance and achieving high-quality development within the machine tool industry. The association creates an atmosphere of solidly promoting independent innovation in the entire industry, strives to become the backbone of “Made in China”, and assumes the glorious mission of “manufacturing powerhouse”.

The association's all-media platform will successively release the wonderful opinions of corporate CEOs in order to learn from each other and seek high-quality development in the industry.
