SASAC: 2023 Gansu Logistics Group Achieves Operating Revenue of 30.06 Billion Yuan

2024-03-13 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Gansu Logistics Group

In 2023, Gansu Logistics Group actively integrated into the Belt and Road Initiative. The annualrevenue was 30.06 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 15%; the logistics revenue reached 1.09 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 38%; the cargo throughput reached 14.287 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 12%, and the set annual goals and tasks were fully completed.

In 2023, Gansu Logistics Group fully capitalized on the advantages of platforms such as comprehensive bonded zones, international land ports, airports, railway ports, and customs-supervised venues, completing an import and export trade volume of 1.3 billion yuan, marking a 59% increase year-on-year. It has set up 5 overseas warehouses in Kazakhstan, Russia, Malaysia, Belarus and Nepal. Throughout the year, the cross-border e-commerce supervision center cumulatively processed 402,600 outbound declarations, effectively promoting “Gansu Flavor” products and “Made in Gansu” to the international market. Gansu Logistics Group has signed "Strategic Cooperation Agreements" with 7 companies including China Logistics, Wuchan Zhongda Group and Baiyin Group, and has completed a total of 1 billion yuan in investment promotion in industrial chain throughout the year.

Throughout the year, Gansu Logistics Group dispatched a total of 520 international train services, marking a 28% increase year-on-year. It has opened 3 new international cargo charter flights and 2 domestic regular cargo charter flights. Its air cargo business reaches more than 100 cities domestically and internationally. At the same time, Gansu Logistics Group has arranged and constructed a “one city, one park (warehouse)” hub node. It has currently deployed 13 parks (warehouses) in 8 cities and prefectures across the province, and Lanzhou New Area.
