Leveraging Land-Sea Connectivity to Forge a New Model for Modern Logistics Development

2024-05-29 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Chai Yongjun

International land ports, emerging after seaports and river ports, represent a new form of participation in local and regional economies as well as the dual circulation of domestic and international economies to the fullest extent. They serve as new carriers for international economic and trade cooperation, organizing and coordinating various advantages such as bonded zones, ports, transportation channels, hubs, and network resources, thereby providing a powerful engine for the development of regional warehousing, distribution, and logistics industries.

Recently, our website's journalist conducted an interview with Su Liang, General Manager of the Financial Department (also concurrently serving as) of Gansu International Logistics Group Co., Ltd., and Chairman of Gansu Land-Sea New Channel Operation Co., Ltd., regarding the impetus for transforming logistics demand. This includes aligning with upstream manufacturing and trade enterprises to integrate products and raw material resources, optimizing processes and transportation schemes, innovating transportation methods, and exploring new "profit sources" in modern logistics. The aim is to build a comprehensive logistics organization mode across all elements and chains, facilitating the shift of logistics enterprises from single-link competition to comprehensive logistics competition and providing integrated financial and supply chain logistics solutions. Addressing various issues such as seizing the opportunity of developing new quality productivity through technological innovation, leveraging the cohesion of new-generation information technology in the field of smart logistics and supply chains, and vigorously developing comprehensive smart logistics systems including automated stations, digitized empowerment, intelligent management, digital sharing, and collaborative win-win situations.

Question: How can we maximize the economic benefits derived from the integrated transportation advantages of land-sea ports and stations, port functions, and the coordinated development of bonded zones?

Answer: To advance the construction of land-sea port infrastructure in conjunction with multimodal transportation. Align logistics industry chains with the layout of land-sea logistics facilities and railway stations to realize their full potential. According to the development laws of modern logistics systems and supply chains, accelerate the integration of logistics elements and resources, enhance the connectivity level of multimodal transportation in the local area, improve land-sea hubs, port inspection, bonded zone processing, station operations, and the deep integration between logistics nodes such as trunk lines, branches, warehouses, and distribution centers. Promote infrastructure interconnection, vigorously advance the construction of cross-regional comprehensive transportation corridors and hub nodes, facilitate the rapid formation of an international three-dimensional transportation network in inland areas, and collaborate with trading countries to construct cross-border channels. Strengthen infrastructure construction, form a trade logistics corridor with national land-sea logistics hubs as nodes, achieve seamless connection between ports and bonded zones, and jointly maximize utility. Furthermore, the fundamental aspect of combining land-sea port infrastructure construction with multimodal transportation lies in realizing regional industrial linkage development. Through resource integration, business restructuring, industrial transfer, and extending industrial chains, optimize resource allocation within the region, promote effective linkage of transportation channels, and maximize the economic benefits derived from the integrated transportation advantages of land-sea ports and stations, port functions, and the coordinated development of bonded zones.

Question: How can regional economic coordination be achieved to facilitate the integration of China's western regions into the global industrial landscape and promote high-quality development through high-level openness?

Answer: We can leverage the platform functions of "channels + hubs + finance + industrial parks + smart logistics". Firstly, actively harness the empowering role of digitalization and intelligence in the logistics industry. Currently, the logistics sector urgently needs to cultivate new quality productivity and innovate logistics services by integrating all elements of logistics resources through the development of smart logistics. Logistics enterprises should increase investment in new-generation information technologies such as the Internet of Things, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence to develop smart logistics. Focus on the industrial application of new-generation information technologies and science and technology to build a modern logistics service platform that supports internal business development and enhances customer stickiness. This platform should meet requirements such as digitalization of cargo demand, efficient matching of supply and demand of vehicles and goods, and full tracking and tracing of logistics information. With a solid foundation of logistics service information systems, emphasize the role of national land-sea logistics hubs. Accelerate the application of multimodal transportation "single document" within the scope of land-sea ports, providing a wide range of fast, efficient, and convenient logistics services with "one commission, one carrier, one transportation unit". Utilize the leading role of land-sea ports to promote the coordinated development of various transportation modes, effectively reduce transportation costs, and gradually improve the modern logistics industry system of land-sea ports.The "single document system" serves as a breakthrough for the high-quality development of multimodal transportation and will also inject new momentum into the high-level operation of land-sea ports. Secondly, based on optimizing and integrating resources, accelerate the layout of international and domestic important logistics hub nodes, connect the "arteries", improve channel logistics construction. Currently, Gansu International Logistics Group has implemented a "one park, one warehouse" layout in key cities in Gansu Province, and interacted with domestic key logistics parks as well as overseas warehouses and logistics bases in Kazakhstan, Nepal, Belarus, Russia, Uzbekistan, and Malaysia. This strengthens the foundation of the "hub+" physical logistics network, making it an important distribution center for local and surrounding materials, forming economies of scale, and promoting centralized scheduling and resource allocation coordination at land-sea ports, facilitating extensive connectivity of logistics resources.Lastly, based on building a new development pattern of dual circulation, deepen the understanding of the importance of the Western Land-Sea New Channel from a strategic and overall perspective, and effectively regard the construction of the Western Land-Sea New Channel as a major strategic task. Accelerate the transformation of Lanzhou into the northern hub of the Western Land-Sea New Channel, continuously highlighting the functional positioning of Gansu Province as an energy base, strategic passage, and open hub. This will realize regional economic coordination development, promote the integration of China's western regions into the global industrial landscape, and propel high-quality development through high-level openness.

Question: How can we attract large domestic and international enterprises to settle in Lanzhou, forming large-scale industries, supporting facilities, and logistics, continuously expanding the scale of the outward-oriented economy?

Answer: Promote the comprehensive development of the logistics industry through the integration of transportation to drive trade. Firstly, leverage the geographical advantage of the Lanzhou land-sea port and continuously build a comprehensive logistics hub system centered around Lanzhou, focusing on integrating and utilizing logistics assets to create a networked logistics service system. Establish a service system integrating raw material procurement, multimodal transportation, and terminal sales to enhance the comprehensive service level of land-sea ports, injecting new vitality into the high-quality development of the outward-oriented economy.Secondly, maximize the synergistic development of land-sea ports, border ports, and seaports. Through talent aggregation, information sharing, and resource concentration, ensure seamless connection between railways, highways, and sea routes to minimize transportation time, reduce resource consumption, and promote the development of multimodal transportation such as rail-sea and road-water. Leveraging the advantages of national land-sea logistics hubs, actively position Lanzhou as a commercial logistics distribution hub, and promote the "going global" strategy of Gansu's characteristic industries such as herbivorous livestock, plateau summer vegetables, potatoes, Chinese medicinal materials, modern agriculture, and animal husbandry. This will create a pattern of "dual hubs" in one city, driving rapid economic development in Gansu.Strengthen the support role of international land-sea ports, international airports, comprehensive bonded zones, and cross-border e-commerce pilot zones, continuously expand international business cooperation along the Belt and Road Initiative, and attract large domestic and international enterprises to settle in Lanzhou. This will form large-scale industries, supporting facilities, and logistics, continuously expanding the scale of the outward-oriented economy.

Question: How can we promote the efficient operation of land-sea ports and drive industries to settle around port areas, accelerating the formation of a deeply integrated port-industry-city synergy and fostering a new pattern of coordinated development?

Answer: Leverage the clustering effect of logistics to foster the integration of ports, industries, and cities. Leveraging Gansu Province's industrial development advantages, utilize platforms such as Lanzhou, Wuwei, and Jiuquan international land-sea ports and logistics hubs to expand bulk material imports, optimize industrial structure, and amplify the combined effects of "channels + rail services + industries". This involves enhancing the quality and efficiency of international rail services, forming an imported grain and oil processing base centered around Lanzhou Railway Port and the comprehensive bonded zone for grain and feed.Utilize the comprehensive open platforms of land-sea ports to attract advanced manufacturing and supply chain industries. Integrate commercial, manufacturing, and living materials into logistics channels, platforms, and industries for joint development. Through the synergistic development of port-industry-park integration, establish leading and alliance companies, promote the advancement of modern logistics and advanced manufacturing production organization levels and scales. Within land-sea ports, form an integrated industrial chain and ecosystem comprising logistics, manufacturing, and services. Ensure linkage and integration between logistics and industrial supply chains, realize cost reduction and efficiency improvement across all elements, and accelerate the development of new quality productivity.Promote the efficient operation of land-sea ports, drive industries to settle around port areas, and accelerate the formation of deeply integrated port-industry-city synergy, fostering a new pattern of coordinated development.

Question: How can we further innovate financing products, strengthen the trade chain, enhance service capabilities from the entire process perspective, and reduce logistics costs?

Answer: Supply chain finance empowers the logistics industry to provide comprehensive integrated logistics services. Gansu International Logistics Group has established Gansu Land-Sea Cloud Chain Technology Co., Ltd., in collaboration with Lanzhou Bank, to launch the "Supply Chain + Financial Business - Longshang e-Loan" financial product. Building on the foundation of a comprehensive trade service platform and a smart logistics platform, this product integrates transaction data and logistics data, enabling online and offline collaboration. It provides upstream and downstream enterprises with dynamic analysis and control of business flow, logistics flow, information flow, fund flow, and evidence flow throughout the entire process. This gradually forms a new model of "financial + industry + ecology" supply chain services.Through digitization and supply chain finance, each port and logistics park is empowered to transform and upgrade to smart logistics, rapidly enhancing the intelligence level of transportation, warehousing, distribution, and other logistics processes within Gansu International Logistics Group's "one zone, three ports, and six parks". It effectively integrates suppliers and customers into a unified entity, providing customers (demand side) with comprehensive integrated logistics services in the shortest time, at the lowest cost, and with optimal service. This promotes the coordinated development of Gansu's advantageous industries and trade, further enhancing innovation in financing products, strengthening the trade chain, enhancing service capabilities from the entire process perspective, and reducing logistics costs.

Question: How can we innovate the logistics development model, focus on optimizing transportation organization, reduce overall logistics costs, and enhance the comprehensive service capabilities of land-sea ports?

Answer: Launching high-quality international freight trains stimulates the intrinsic development momentum of land-sea ports. Leveraging the advantageous resources and assets of Gansu Province such as "hubs + channels + ports + open platforms + industrial clusters", Lanzhou International Land-Sea Port has constructed an international freight train operation system with four channels and five directions: China-Europe, Central Asia, South Asia, and the Land-Sea New Channel. Through several years of rapid development, the South Asia multimodal transport freight train has achieved regular operation with two fixed trains per week. Additionally, the first digitized "China-Ji'Urumqi" international multimodal transport freight train was explored and dispatched. Building on the stable operation of the China-Ji'Urumqi international freight train, the "China-Afghanistan Express" was opened, radiating to countries such as Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, and Iran. Furthermore, the first dedicated train for South Asia and Central Asia commodity cars (JSQ cars) for export was successfully dispatched and achieved regular operation with one train per week. This has facilitated more Chinese cars to reach various countries in Central Asia and South Asia.High-quality rail-sea intermodal trains for the Western Land-Sea New Channel and return trains from Central Asia are consistently operated. The scope of international freight train dispatching business continues to expand, with an increasing variety of dispatched goods, forming economies of scale and driving aggregation. Lanzhou International Land-Sea Port is developed into a convergence and distribution center for international freight trains returning from Central Asia. Building on interconnected facilities and focusing on the development of characteristic advantageous industries, it aims to create a distribution center for the return of China-Europe international freight trains and the Golden Corridor along the Silk Road Economic Belt. By innovating the logistics development model, focusing on optimizing transportation organization, reducing overall logistics costs, and enhancing the comprehensive service capabilities of land-sea ports.
