Music in Dunhuang : With 795 performances in one year, attracting over 500,000 audience members.

2024-06-18 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Chai Yongjun

Since its opening a year ago, the cave-style immersive experience play Music in Dunhuang has staged a total of 795 performances, attracting over 500,000 audience members. The related topics on the internet have garnered over 500 million views, and the play has won several industry awards including The 2023 Best Cultural Tourism Project Award (Industry) at the 6th China Economic Conference. Recently, on the occasion of the one-year anniversary of the opening of the Yue Dong Dunhuang cultural and tourism complex, a reporter from our website interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Gansu Performing Arts Group Co., Ltd, the main creative unit, regarding issues related to the creation and performance of Music in Dunhuang.

Q:What are the components of the Music in Dunhuang complex project? And when did it officially open for operation?

A: The Yue Dong Dunhuang Cultural and Tourism Industrial Complex project is comprised of several sections, including the 8,000-square-meter Music in Dunhuang theater, the 34,000-square-meter Shangyuan Bazaar, a starry rooftop garden, and a plaza leisure and experience area. It officially commenced operation on June 15, 2023.

Q: What kind of performance is Music in Dunhuang?

A: Music in Dunhuang is the world’s first cave-style immersive experience play, supported by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, planned by the Publicity Department of the Gansu Provincial Party Committee, and produced under the chief supervision of the Gansu Performing Arts Group.

Q: Is the main content of Music in Dunhuang from Dunhuang murals?

A: Yes, Music in Dunhuang revives the splendid scenes of Dunhuang’s music, dance, poetry, and murals by utilizing the research achievements of ancient Dunhuang musical instruments and scores, combining various technological means such as music, imagery, lighting, machinery, installations, and theatrical props with live performances by actors. It showcases the charming timeless music culture that has been passed down and developed for hundreds of years, injecting vitality into telling the “Chinese story, Silk Road story, and Dunhuang story.”

Q:What’s The Yue Dong Dunhuang Cultural and Tourism Industrial Complex made significant contributions to Dunhuang's tourism in several aspects.

A: Over the past year, the Yuedong Dunhuang Cultural and Tourism Industrial Complex has focused on the five core highlights of “production, art, food, fun, and learning.” Through the supporting of performing arts, street interaction, and research and learning assistance, it has established a diverse range of cultural tourism consumption experience scenarios. This has made positive contributions in improving the one-stop service functions of Dunhuang's tourist attractions, enhancing the quality of cultural tourism scenic spots, and stimulating the momentum of cultural tourism consumption. Additionally, the Yuedong Dunhuang team has successively hosted a series of forums on social practice teaching curriculum reform for art majors in higher education institutions in Xi'an, Zhengzhou, and other locations, collaborating with 642 art colleges and universities nationwide to establish “Social Practice Teaching Bases for Art Majors.” They have also conducted 10 promotional and exchange activities in Nanjing, Xiamen, Shenzhen, and other cities.
