Gansu Province Introduces Implementation Details to Accelerate Gradient Cultivation of Green Manufacturing System

2024-07-04 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Chai Yongjun

The Gansu Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology (Gansu IIT) recently issued the Implementation Rules for Gradient Cultivation of Green Manufacturing System in Gansu Province, outlining the establishment of a gradient cultivation system for green manufacturing. This system aims to harness the fundamental and guiding role of green factories and other green manufacturing entities in promoting a green and low-carbon transformation within the manufacturing sector, thereby accelerating the green and low-carbon development of the province’s industrial sector. Recently, relevant officials from the Gansu IIT addressed questions regarding the specifics of the Implementation Rules.

Q: What aspects does the cultivation mechanism proposed in the Implementation Rules encompass?

A: The Implementation Rules proposes a vertically integrated cultivation mechanism for green factories at the national, provincial, and municipal levels, as well as a provincial-municipal collaborative mechanism for fostering water-saving industrial enterprises. Horizontally, the mechanism encompasses the fostering of green industrial parks and green supply chain management enterprises, which in turn drive the creation of green factories and water-saving industrial enterprises within parks and along supply chains. Additionally, based on the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s guidance for cultivating green factories, green industrial parks, and green supply chain enterprises, the province has incorporated the cultivation of water-saving industrial enterprises and water-saving industrial parks into its green manufacturing system, tailored to its specific circumstances.

Q: How does the Implementation Rules require localities to cultivate green manufacturing enterprises?

A: The Implementation Rules mandate that municipalities, prefectures, and the Lanzhou New Area establish a cultivation database and formulate cultivation plans, while strengthening guidance and support. Eligible enterprises and parks are encouraged to conduct self-evaluations or engage third-party evaluation agencies, in accordance with relevant standards, to prepare evaluation reports for submission via a designated management platform on a voluntary basis. The recommended entities from municipalities, prefectures, and the Lanzhou New Area should be representative and pioneering municipal-level green manufacturing units. After thoroughly consulting with provincial departments such as Ecology and Environment, Emergency Management, and Market Regulation, and combining the results of evaluations, outstanding candidates will be selected to recommend for provincial-level designations of green factories, green industrial parks, and green supply chain management enterprises, with potential for further promotion to national-level green manufacturing units.

Q: What is the current status of green manufacturing system construction in our province?

A: In recent years, the Gansu IIT has supervised and guided enterprises and parks in implementing policies and standards related to industrial energy and water conservation, resource comprehensive utilization, cleaner production, and green manufacturing. This has driven various entities to actively adopt advanced energy-saving and carbon-reduction technologies and equipment, expedite energy-saving and carbon-reduction upgrades, and vigorously promote the construction of green factories, green industrial parks, green supply chains, water-saving industrial enterprises, and water-saving industrial parks. Through continuous technological advancements, these efforts have achieved comprehensive, efficient, circular, and economical utilization of production resources, fostering a win-win scenario for both environmental and economic benefits.

Q: How many green manufacturing systems does our province have as of now?

A: As of now, Gansu Province has cultivated a total of 74 national-level green factories and 8 green industrial parks, with 138 provincial-level green factories, 7 green industrial parks, and 46 water-saving industrial enterprises recognized. A green manufacturing system, centered on green factories, green industrial parks, green supply chain management enterprises, and water-saving industrial enterprises, is gradually taking shape. This system, with green factories as its core foundational units, has emerged as a crucial lever for promoting green manufacturing.
