Diebu County Signs a Contract to Invest 1 Billion Yuan in Zagana Tourism Project

2024-07-11 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Chai Yongjun

At the 30th Lanzhou Investment and Trade Fair, Diebu County people’s Government of the Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture and China Railway Green Energy (Diebu) Tourism Development Co., Ltd. signed a contract to invest 1.02 billion yuan in the construction of the tourist rail transit and ancillary supporting projects in the Zagana Scenic Spot in Diebu County.

The construction site of this project is located in the Zagana Scenic Area of Yiwa Town, Diebu County. The construction includes two sub-projects. The first is the first phase of the Zagana Scenic Area Sightseeing Rail Train Transportation Construction and Operation Project (Thumb Mountain Loop Line). The project is located in the core area of the Zagana Scenic Area from Dongwa Bridge to the Yixiantian Scenic Spot and the internal area, including the Thumb Mountain Ring Area. With a total estimated investment of 870 million yuan, the construction period is expected to last 15 months.The second is the Zagana Scenic Area Tour Bus Operation Project. Located within the Zaguna Scenic Area, this project primarily involves the construction of tourist bus stops and ancillary facilities, operation and dispatch systems, supporting parking lots, maintenance workshops, etc. The estimated total investment is 150 million yuan, and the construction period is 6 months.
