Gansu Logistics Group Multimodal Transport Company (Gansu-Hong Kong) International Cargo Class Was Successfully Launched

2024-08-19 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Gansu Logistics Group

On August 9, Gansu Logistics Group Multimodal Transport Company successfully launched the (Gansu-Hong Kong) international truck service, with the first batch of transported goods being halal food. This marks the first time that Gansu halal food has been shipped to Hong Kong in the form of an international truck, laying a solid foundation for Gansu's specialty products to enter the international market.

The halal food transported by this international truck mainly includes high-quality beef, mutton, yak sausage, etc., all of which come from local halal food production companies with high reputation in Gansu. To ensure food safety, the multimodal transport company strictly controls the quality of goods and uses professional cold chain logistics equipment to ensure the freshness and taste of halal food during transportation.

The opening of this international truck line is a powerful practice of the high-quality construction of the "Belt and Road" by the Gansu Logistics Group Multimodal Transport Company, and an important measure to help Gansu's halal food industry enter the international market. The multimodal transport company will continue to expand its international logistics business and provide more convenient and efficient logistics services for the export of Gansu's specialty products.
