Gansu Logistics Group visited Hami State-owned Assets Investment and Operation Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Guohe Energy Co., Ltd.

2024-07-22 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Gansu Logistics Group

On July 19-20, Zhang Tieqiang, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Gansu Logistics Group, and his delegation visited Hami State-Owned Assets Investment and Management Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Guohe Energy Co., Ltd. to explore and discuss potential cooperation in the coal industry chain. Yang Rui, Party Secretary and Chairman of Hami State-Owned Assets Investment and Management Co., Ltd., and Liu Baoguo, Party Branch Secretary and Chairman of Xinjiang Guohe Energy Co., Ltd., received the delegation and engaged in business discussions.

Zhang Tieqiang and his delegation mainly inspected key coal projects and business areas, including the Laoyemiao Port, the iron concentrate bonded warehouse, the Hami Huayuanzi Station (the largest coal origin station in Hami), Bole Tianhui Energy Co., Ltd., and Hami Yili Coal Chemical Co., Ltd.’s coal deep-processing bases. At the meeting, both sides reached a consensus on deepening cooperation in the coal sector. They expressed hope that through this business alignment, they could collaborate in various areas such as coal transportation from Xinjiang to Gansu, port operations, live isolation, international transportation projects for new energy vehicles, bulk material (iron ore and iron concentrate) trade, coal quality enhancement processing, and regulatory affairs. The goal is to achieve complementary advantages and mutual benefits, jointly promote regional material circulation and logistics development, and make greater contributions to regional economic development and high-level opening up.

Currently, the group's subsidiaries, Hekou Company and Luguo Yunlian Company, have already engaged in coal supervision and integrated trade and logistics operations with Hami State-Owned Assets Investment Co., Ltd.

The relevant persons in charge from the Supply Chain Management Department and Financial Services Department of the group company, as well as from its affiliated enterprises including Hekou Company, Land Port Yunlian Company, Multimodal Transport Company, and the preparatory group of Jiuquan Company, participated in the seminar.
