Lanzhou Beef Noodles Skill Competition: Craftsmanship Crafting Gourmet Delights on the Tongue

2024-07-03 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Chai Yongjun

On the afternoon of July 2nd, the “Gansu Provincial Million-Worker Labor and Skills Competition Lanzhou Beef Noodles Competition Provincial Finals and Award Ceremony” hosted by the Gansu Provincial Department of Commerce, the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, was successfully held in Lanzhou, marking the triumphant conclusion of the “Gansu Provincial Million-Worker Labor and Skills Competition Lanzhou Beef Noodles Competition.”

As a time-honored Chinese brand, Lanzhou Beef Noodles embodies profound cultural heritage, crystallizing the creativity and wisdom of the working people across the province. With its distinctive characteristics of “clear broth, white radish, red chili oil, green garlic, and yellow noodles,” it has become a beloved traditional cuisine widely recognized by the public, carrying the craftsmanship and aspirations of the people of Gansu. In 2010, Lanzhou was designated by the China Cuisine Association as the “Hometown of Chinese Beef Noodles.” Furthermore, in June 2021, Lanzhou Beef Noodles proudly joined the fifth batch of national intangible cultural heritage listings, becoming a treasure within Chinese culinary culture.

In recent years, Gansu Province has attached great importance to the development of the Lanzhou Beef Noodles industry, introducing policies and measures to increase support and vigorously promote its rapid growth. While enhancing the brand influence of Lanzhou Beef Noodles, efforts have been made to propel its international expansion. Lanzhou Beef Noodles has emerged as a significant industry driving employment, boosting incomes, and contributing to rural revitalization. Currently, there are over 5,800 Lanzhou Beef Noodles restaurants in the province, exceeding 50,000 restaurants spanning every province in China, and with over 600 outlets in over 50 countries including the United States, Australia, Canada, Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia.

To celebrate the culture of Lanzhou Beef Noodles, nurture skilled talents, enhance the brand reputation, promote high-quality development of the industry, and drive employment and income growth for low-income individuals, the Provincial Department of Commerce, in collaboration with the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security and the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, organized the Gansu Provincial Million-Worker Labor and Skills Competition Lanzhou Beef Noodles Competition.

Themed “Craftsmanship Inheritance and Innovative Fusion,” the competition was included in the 2024 Provincial Class Skills I Competition Calendar. Since its launch at the end of last year, the competition has progressed through preliminary city-level contests, provincial semifinals, culminating in the final competition. It has identified skilled artisans and unearthed emerging talents, showcasing the unique and superior qualities of Lanzhou Beef Noodles, and garnered significant response and positive social impact within the industry. Concurrently, the Lanzhou Beef Noodles Industry Association, together with the Gansu Provincial Culinary and Catering Industry Association, selected the “Top 10 Brand Enterprises of Lanzhou Beef Noodles” and “50 Star-Rated Shops of Lanzhou Beef Noodles.”


At the final competition venue, 60 contestants showcased their expertise and unique techniques through written exams and practical operations. Ultimately, five first-prize winners, ten second-prize winners, fifteen third-prize winners, and thirty “Skill Star Award” recipients were selected. The top-ranking contestant can apply for the Gansu Provincial “May 1st Labor Medal” according to procedures, while the top 20 contestants can apply for the titles of “Technical Expert” and “Technical Model Worker” of Gansu Province. Officials attending the event presented awards to the winners, while the Lanzhou Beef Noodles Industry Association and the Gansu Provincial Culinary and Catering Industry Association presented plaques to representatives of the “Top 10 Brands” and “50 Star-Rated Shops” of Lanzhou Beef Noodles.

Holding the Lanzhou Beef Noodles Competition is a crucial initiative to promote craftsmanship, develop local specialty cuisine, and invigorate the consumer market. The successful holding of this competition will undoubtedly elevate the skill levels and professional pride of practitioners in the Lanzhou Beef Noodles industry, accelerating its spread into households across the country and worldwide.
