The "Multidisciplinary Perspectives on South Asia and Belt and Road Initiative" Youth Scholars Forum was successfully held.

2024-06-14 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Bai Xin

Deepening international cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and embracing new developments of higher quality and standards in its construction. Recently, the "Multidisciplinary Perspectives on South Asia and Belt and Road Initiative" Youth Scholars Forum was successfully held at the School of Politics and International Relations, Lanzhou University. This forum, themed on multidisciplinary perspectives on regional studies of South Asia and collaborative efforts under the Belt and Road Initiative, was organized by the Institute of Central Asian Studies, the School of Politics and International Relations, and the Belt and Road Research Center at Lanzhou University. Invited participants included Bai Xin, Director of the Gansu Belt and Road Network Office in Lanzhou, and editors Wang Shujuan, Fu Yamin, and Dong Zekun from China, the UK, and Russia respectively. Professor Zhu Yongbiao, Dean of the School of Politics and International Relations, along with Associate Deans Professor Chen Xiaoding and Associate Professor Gao Wanni, and several faculty members and students from Lanzhou University attended the forum for academic exchanges.

Invited guests and young scholars from various universities across the country attended the forum and delivered academic presentations. The forum featured four thematic sub-forums: "Regional Studies on Country Specific Issues," "Research on the Belt and Road Initiative," "SCO and Overseas Interest Protection Research," and "Regional Governance Research." These sessions were chaired respectively by Associate Dean Chen Xiaoding from the School of Politics and International Relations at Lanzhou University, Vice Director Yao Junqiang from the Urumqi Desert Meteorological Research Institute of China Meteorological Administration, Professor Zhang Jie, Dean of the School of International Relations at Xi'an International Studies University, and Li Tao, Director of the Belt and Road Institute at the Institute of Development Studies for Western China at Northwest University.Over thirty young scholars from Beijing University, Wuhan University, Tianjin University, Northwest University, Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Northwest Normal University, Sichuan Normal University, Qinghai Nationalities University, Tibet University, Qufu Normal University, Urumqi Desert Meteorological Research Institute of China Meteorological Administration, and Dunhuang Academy, among others, gathered to discuss topics spanning political science, economics, archaeology, geography, atmospheric science, hydrology, history, ethnology, anthropology, linguistics, traditional Chinese medicine, communication studies, law, and architecture. The interdisciplinary discussions were enthusiastic and productive.

In recent years, as the Belt and Road Initiative has advanced, Gansu Province has seized the opportunities it presents, increasingly highlighting the role of the Belt and Road as a bridge and link. Lanzhou University, leveraging its own strengths, has actively integrated into the national development strategy, providing robust academic support to facilitate Gansu's deep integration into the broader Belt and Road framework and better serve the strategic goals of the Party and the nation. The successful organization of this forum has further enhanced Lanzhou University's research capabilities and advisory role in addressing regional issues concerning South Asia.
