The Gansu Provincial Academy of Social Sciences visited the Lanzhou Sanmao Industrial Park

2020-08-31 Source :Gansu Belt and Road Portal By :Lanzhou Sanmao

On the morning of August 26th, a delegation of over 60 individuals from the Gansu Provincial Academy of Social Sciences visited the Lanzhou New Area, undertaking an on-site tour of the Lanzhou Sanmao Industrial Park. Wang Linian, Assistant General Manager of the industrial company, provided the delegation with an overview of Lanzhou Sanmao’s development and operational progress in the primary woolen industry since its relocation to the industrial park under the initiative “move from the city to the park.’’ The presentation covered aspects such as woolen fabric production and the customization of high-end clothing. Accompanying the delegation were officials and staff from various departments, including the company’s office, the Party Committee Propaganda Department, and others.

The delegation watched the company’s promotional video and explored the new product exhibition hall. Subsequently, they conducted in-depth visits and exchanges at the spinning mill, weaving mill, and dyeing and finishing plant. Following the on-site tour, the delegation expressed admiration for the company’s production of high-quality woolen and cashmere products. They extended their best wishes for the company to achieve even greater success within the new development framework of “ a domestic large-scale circulation as the mainstay, mutually reinforcing domestic and international circulations.”
